As a human I you & everyone has tendency to put forward our best face, that is true even in diabetic patients that they want to be healthy and they at least want to declare themselves healthy. Its good for every one that positive thinking is flowing across, but it has negative impact also. You may ask how people with disease want be healthy but they decide to declare themselves healthy and fail to follow healthy life style then the trouble becomes big. Even though social behavior of an individual is heavily affected by the societies attitude towards the people with problem, which never get resolved.
This situation can be explained better with example. Think about a diabetic who is young wants to have a good job and life (as every one of us want it) but that person is afraid of declaring the diabetic status due to the fear of not getting best out of this world. But individual continue to take medication for diabetes, and some good day he fails to take proper food and lands up in hypoglycemia leading unconsciousness. Here is the problem if every one know that the individual is diabetic first think will think about is diabetic complication - hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, get for immediate medical attention and prevent the catastrophic event in a hypoglycemic patient.
This is how any one should think about concealing disease and its effects then take a decision to conceal it or not. If you want conceal it for any compelling reasons then at least don't conceal it from your near and dear ones and carry a card in your pocket about your disease status so that even a unknown person can understand you health problem when you are in need.
This situation can be explained better with example. Think about a diabetic who is young wants to have a good job and life (as every one of us want it) but that person is afraid of declaring the diabetic status due to the fear of not getting best out of this world. But individual continue to take medication for diabetes, and some good day he fails to take proper food and lands up in hypoglycemia leading unconsciousness. Here is the problem if every one know that the individual is diabetic first think will think about is diabetic complication - hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, get for immediate medical attention and prevent the catastrophic event in a hypoglycemic patient.
This is how any one should think about concealing disease and its effects then take a decision to conceal it or not. If you want conceal it for any compelling reasons then at least don't conceal it from your near and dear ones and carry a card in your pocket about your disease status so that even a unknown person can understand you health problem when you are in need.