Thursday, April 5, 2007

Diabetes Mellitus - A challenge to Human Mankind

Diabetes Mellitus has been defined in many ways in formats and mediums ultimately what matters is simpler meaning for simpler understandings for better & healthy life. I call here it as a challenge to human mankind because it is known to humans for many many centuries and still science is fighting the problem. Even after so much of research of disease we are finding difficult to handle the disease smoothly, may be because each human is unique so disease is.

One of the simpler definition I could give you to read is already written here . I don't want to reinvent the wheel you can see the definition in the link provided.

My blogging on this topic is not for explaining diabetes, its mainly patient oriented topics or clues or tips for better living with diabetes mellitus. This may go from one topic to other in some posts but over all it will be purely on diabetic patient's life oriented topics.

There are many topics which remians unanswered in many ways to a patient foe one or the other reasons. Many diabetic patients fail to understand the disease purely because of lack of communication between them and treating doctor. Added to this may be more and more commercialization of treatment aspect added the fuel to evil known as ignorance.

Even though there are many organizations which are fighting diabetes in many levels its difficult to point out how much they are helping the patients by enlarge. May be because of ignorance of patient or beacause the information put forward may not be of patients level to undersatnd the importance. This site is an authority on diabetes without any doubt
But still people may fail to understand it so I would like to dive download to patients level to spill out the knowledge I have for the benifit of all those in need.

Sreenivasa Iyengar

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