Monday, May 7, 2007

Can Diabetes be your problem at home?

Can Diabetes be your problem at home? If you can answer this question then your knowledge of diabetes should be more than average. That how I predict when some one speaks about diabetes. Why I say so? Its quite obvious one who knows about diabetes also knows how much it can affect anyone’s family when it comes to agony and economy.

If you got the clue that’s fine if not read on to know how diabetes can create havoc at anyone’s home.

Just think about a family with five members with one earning head. Usually it comprises of husband and wife with three kids or two parents and one kid or for that matter any other combination. One Earning member may be husband or wife.

If a earning member gets diabetes then just think of how much man hour wasted and money wasted by not getting productive during the wasted time. So you balance is tilted to negative side. This is only talking about the investigations and consultation for the disease. If unfortunately the earning member gets stuck in diabetes complication whole family economy goes to hell and other members are nowhere.

I am just giving example of one incidence, which can be devastating anyone’s family. Just because your family don’t have diabetes doesn’t make you immune to diabetes. Be vigilant learn more about the risks and other controlling factors to live happily and safely with diabetes if it even happens in your life.

Look out for my next post “Why we should get rid of diabetes at home”. Till then see you bye.

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