Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Think about Diabetes Globally but Act Locally

If you cannot think about diabetes globally then there is no way you going help the people or your self. Why so? Because diabetes have no boundaries to stop it from dominating the whole world as king of diseases. Once people thought its disease of rich and time has proved it wrong.

Why I am asking you to think globally about diabetes, because only by this you can have link with worldwide trends in diabetes and you or your family members or friends will be benefited. If you know whats up against diabetes and when a situation wants some thing similar then you can use it other wise you will be lost in dark.

Don't expect all professionals to be up-to-date on each every aspect of recent trends as no one so much interested in a disease as much as a true patient and researcher is. So keep your eyes and ears open for global trends and use them locally to fight diabetes locally. This will help you to do many things better when compared to those who don't follow it.

I repeat here " Think about Diabetes Globally and act Locally"

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